Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Today is my little brother's birthday! Umm, I mean, my younger brother's birthday. He prefers the second, more accurate term because he's half a foot taller than me or more. But, I guess I'll always think of him as littler than me. And since I'm the older sister, and mom's not here right now.... I guess that puts me
in charge of this particular choice....

Growing up, we did just about everything togther. We played together, swam together, rode our bikes together. We went to school together. We fought together. We travelled together, seeing Washington D.C., Disney World, and every single state on the Eastern seaboard together. When he went away to summer camp I went down to visit him. When I went to college I kept cokes in my fridge for when he came to visit me, and I don't even drink Coke. We were in each other's weddings and are godparents to each other's firstborn children.

We talk on the phone together. A lot. He calls me. I call him. (although he's way better than I am at figuring out the differences in our time zones). If I want to tell someone about some funny or cute thing my kids did, I call him. If I just want to hang out with him, I call him. He's funny and fun and smart. You couldn't ask for a better phone pal. Or brother.

Our mother says that when she brought him home from the hospital I looked at him and said, "Oh, thank you mummy, thank you!" That pretty much sums up how I still feel about him today. His birth was one of the great blessings of my life.

So, here's to you kiddo! May God bless you today and always.

Happy birthday!

1 comment:

Ben said...

Your account does not square precisely with my recollections of our childhoods, but as your memories let me off the hook for a myriad of misdeeds let's go with your version of the past.


Your (significantly) younger brother