Thursday, November 1, 2007

All Saints' Day

Good morning! Today, November 1st, the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints, or All Saints' Day, to honor all of God's saints, known and unknown. Catholics have been celebrating this feast for more than a millenium! The liturgical color for the day is white. All Saints Day is also a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that Catholics must attend Mass unless they have a "grave cause" for staying away. Grave causes include the need to care for children, to work to support one's family, sickness, caring for the sick, etc. (I'm citing these reasons as I learned them this from EWTN's website)

Tonight we'll be talking at the supper table about each of the children's patron saints and asking them for their intercessions!


Erin said...
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Erin said...

I'm humbled. I thought about Mass. People were sick. That's the extent of the N. All Saints Day Experience. :-)

Keep posting! It's edifying.