Wednesday, May 9, 2007

In For A Penny, In For A Pound

I am so happy to be here! I've been dreaming of starting a blog for more than a year now but have wondered how on earth to do it. I've decided that the best way to learn is just to jump in and begin. Since that's the way I've learned pretty much everything in my adult life, I decided to name this little blog in honor of that give-it-your-all hopeful spirit. Jump on in and join me as I figure out how to combine blogging and life here at home as the mother to 4 happy energetic kids who are sure their mother will never master the speakerphone, let alone the blogosphere.


KC said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!!! I'm sure you will do fine. I love the colors.

casl said...

Congratulations! This is the first step on a marvelous adventure. Love, Mama