Saturday, July 14, 2007

Home Again Home Again

Whew! We've had a busy 3 weeks around here. Since my last post we've happily thrown our annual summer party (complete with tiki torches and cotton candy machine), bought a new minivan, traveled to a conference (my DH and me) visited one grandmother for a week (the kids and the van), visited another grandmother and grandfather (me and the kids, and on the 4th of July my husband too) for a week, gone whitewater rafting (my husband on one son), and had 5 days of tennis lessons, at two hours a lesson, for my younger son and older daughter.

Now we are back and trying to settle into a summer routine. The luandry is under control, the house no longer looks like a tornado struck it, and we've even manged to get a homemade dinner on the table every night for the last 4 nights.
My goal for today is to make a menu for the week and then go to the grocery store. And just maybe download some music onto my ipod to jumpstart my rowing routine. If anyone has some great workout titles to share, I'd love to hear them from you.

I hope you all are having a good summer too. Now that I'm home I will be tending this little blog more faithfully!

1 comment:

casl said...

Welcome back! I'm sending lots of positive energy but no suggestions for workout tunes.